The flyweight pattern is usfull when a application calls
for numerious instances of the same object. Instead of
creating multiple objects one object is created with
multiple references.
If the objects needed have some state/individual information
(extrinsic information) this can be moved to some other
object that is passed to the flyweight object as needed.
The flyweight abstract super class.
Notice: this class is Immutable.
abstract class AbstractFlyweight{
private String type;
public AbstractFlyweight(String type){
this.type = type;
public String getType(){return type;}
public abstract void doIt(Object extrinsicState);
The concrete flyweight class.
class ConcreteFlyweight extends AbstractFlyweight{
public ConcreteFlyweight(String type){
public void doIt(Object extrinsicState){
//use extrinsicState if needed.
System.out.println("I did it");
The factory class.
This is utilizing Object Pooling.
If the factory already has made a flyweight of the
requested type it simple returns the one it has.
class FlyweightFactory{
private Vector flyweightPool = new Vector();
public AbstractFlyweight makeFlyweight(String type){
AbstractFlyweight temp;
for(int i=0;i<flyweightPool.size();i++){
temp = (AbstractFlyweight)flyweightPool.get(i);
return temp;
//there is usually multiple types.
temp = new ConcreteFlyweight(type);
return temp;
The client class.
class Test{
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("class: Test, method: main");
FlyweightFactory flyweightFactory = new FlyweightFactory();
String param = "state, or paramters that determine the type";
AbstractFlyweight abstractFlyweight = flyweightFactory.makeFlyweight(param);
String extrinsicState = "any external state info";
Here is a tar with the above java classes in it.